Rina Vachhani


About Director

Rina Vachhani is an entrepreneur, counselor and a philanthropist. For more than a decade, people have enjoyed her warmth and transformational power of her business and personal development events.

With various courses and trainings offered by her company at private and government levels, Ms. Vachhani has empowered more than 60,000 people from over 60 centres in Gujarat and Maharashtra.

Ms. Vachhani is the CEO of Dcithar Educational Skills Pvt.Ltd. She has been honoured with "Indian Icon Business Award" and "Women Super Achiever Award" for her excellent work in Mind and Skill Development. Ms. Vachhani is an evangelist of hard work and inspiration in her chosen field.

Ms. Vachhani's work has also touched the lives of many students and individuals. She has empowered women in the rural areas by mentoring and educating them by developing different skills in them, which enables them to get employment and makes them financially independent.